Our Vision For A New North Shore Library

A great community must have a great library.
While the library has served our communities well since it was founded in 1979, the current facility (est. 1986) has become outdated, too small to handle current demands, and is greatly in need of modernization.
To ensure an excellent library capable of servicing the North Shore communities of Bayside, Fox Point, Glendale, and River Hills, the new facility will be designed and built to meet the relevant needs of the 21st-century.
The new North Shore Library will serve as a collective crossroads, a gathering place, a common ground – enriching the cultural, intellectual, and economic life of our community through connection, stronger interaction, and active learning. It will bring together the best of the physical and digital to create an inviting, comfortable learning hub that supports technology, hands-on activities, small- and large-group learning, collaboration, and individual study.
The new building will be conveniently located and thoughtfully arranged so where things are, and how to find them, will be readily apparent using clean layouts and clear signage. Beautiful, well-designed, brightly lit spaces will offer new services and modern conveniences that exceed patron expectations. While the library will still have a robust collection of books, printed materials, and videos, it will also offer the digital resources necessary to meet the evolving demands of an increasingly tech-savvy population.
In summary, the new North Shore Library will be an attractive, inviting, and engaging space where members of our community will be eager to gather.
Features planned for the New North Shore Library:
The best of traditional library strengths and services combined with innovative 21st-century technology and design
A welcoming community gathering place that inspires exploration, ignites creativity, and encourages collaboration in the community
Intentionally designed warm, welcoming, adaptable, and vibrant spaces that are full of natural light
More and better access to digital resources and collections
Wireless internet connectivity and plenty of power outlets throughout
Access to acquiring skills for making informed decisions about health, wealth, education, and vital life choices
A designated “Safe Place” where children and families can go
Teen-specific spaces with engaging and interesting programs and resources in an attractive environment
Flexible, comfortable, modern spaces with moveable chairs, desks, and bookshelves that can accommodate a variety of needs for school groups, presentations, or community events
Top priorities for the new facility include:
An eye-catching, inviting outdoor plaza will be an exciting feature of the new library, welcoming people to gather there and engage in activities
A variety of attractive, flexible meeting and gathering spaces to accommodate community needs and activities
More space for growing library collections including books, research materials, audiobooks, movies, music, newspapers, and other special collections
Flexible and robust technologies integrated throughout to address increased connectivity demand
More study rooms to provide space for tutoring, working, learning and meeting
Expanded seating for library visitors of all ages for both individual and collaborative uses
An inviting and comfortable quiet reading room and other spaces to read, work, and relax
Enlarged and comfortable spaces where retirees can feel productive, socialize and keep technology skills sharp
Youth services areas that incorporate constructive play areas, caregiver-child engagement spaces, and hands-on elements for learning & social interaction
Support of essential staff functions by providing adequate workspace and storage